Auditing Financial Statements
Learn how to audit the financial statements of any organization.
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Many organizations are audited by independent public accountants. The purpose of an audit is to express an opinion on the fairness of presentation of financial information prepared by management. An audit enhances the value of financial information by making it more trustworthy and credible. In this multi-part course, we are going to learn how public accountants plan and execute an audit. This course provides complete coverage of most university level financial auditing courses.
Literally hundreds of thousands of people have taken this course to learn the basic auditing principles. Enroll now to get this under your belt and accelerate your career!
Your Instructor
Blair is a many-time corporate director, CFO, educator, innovator, thought leader, presenter, and curiosity generalist. As an academic-practitioner, he’s a perpetual learner who observes and experiments with various financial and management theories in real world context. He shares stories of his successes, failures, and lessons learned to all those who share a passion for further developing their own financial leadership qualities. His focus is on defining and developing a career path for financial professionals aspiring to the Office of the CFO and the Board of Directors. Blair is the author of The Illiterate Executive: An Executive Handbook for Mastering Financial Acumen.
Course Curriculum
PreviewWelcome to the Course! Get the Overview of What You'll Learn (10:41)
StartPublic accounting profession (5:49)
StartGenerally Accepted Auditing Standards (7:52)
StartEthics and the Rules of Professional Conduct (12:49)
StartIndependent Auditor’s Report (5:27)
StartAuditor Report Reservations (4:56)
StartThe Audit Process (16:05)
StartManagement's Assertions and What the Auditors Audit (9:59)
StartAudit Evidence (16:41)
StartAudit Risk Model (11:00)
StartInherent Risk (3:58)
StartMateriality (6:46)
StartClient Risk Profile (9:39)
StartWorking Papers (8:53)
StartInternal Control (5:07)
StartInternal Control Framework (10:30)
StartAssessing Control Risk (3:44)
StartTesting Internal Controls (5:50)
StartFraud Schemes (9:17)
StartFraud Triangle (2:09)
StartFraud Prevention and Detection (5:02)
StartAuditing for Fraud (10:11)
StartAudit Planning (4:58)
StartAudit Programs (6:44)
StartAuditing the Sales Cycle (13:03)
StartSubstantive Audit Procedures (11:09)
StartSmall Business Assurance Engagements (3:15)
StartCompleting the Audit (10:27)
StartGlossary for Auditing Financial Statements
Frequently Asked Questions
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